Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Atlantic Pacific Press Submissions

Christine Walen, the Editor of Atlantic Pacific Press, specifically contacted Bob Begiebing expressing her interest in receiving submissions from SNHU MFA students. Here's the info:

ATLANTIC PACIFIC PRESS is a new quarterly journal of fiction, sci-fi, fantasy, non-fiction, drama, veterans/military, romance, mystery, horror, westerns, family life, children’s stories, poetry, prose poetry, flash fiction, lyrics, cartoons, art and photography.


MANUSCRIPTS: Email for guidelines. Mail submissions via regular mail. Use 1.5 line spacing, and Arial regular 12 point font. Please include a SASE for return mail. No porn.

COVER LETTER: Include with your submission a 50 word count bio that may be printed on the contributor page. If your submission has been previously performed, or exhibited, in the case of art work, and photography, please acknowledge where and when.

TERMS: ATLANTIC PACIFIC PRESS pays a contributor copy, and $10 flat rate for unpublished material, if and when funds are available. No Internet, simultaneous, public domain, or shared common license submissions, or material where the copyright is held by another publisher.

Submit to:
Christine Walen, Editor, 279 Gulf Rd. South Dartmouth, MA 02748 USA


SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 30, 2009.

SCRIPT: 70-120 page unpublished (no Internet) stage play. Neatly type manuscript, in Ariel regular 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing, in published play format. Italicize stage directions. Capitalize character names on left side of page, followed by a period and two spaces, on same line with dialogue. Include a one page cover letter with a 50 word count bio that may be published along with your play.

TERMS: $2.50 non-refundable entry fee (make checks payable to ATLANTIC PACIFIC PRESS). Please include a SASE. Winning playwright will receive $25, a contributor copy, and have their play published in ATLANTIC PACIFIC PRESS. ATLANTIC PACIFIC PRESS buys First North American and First World Serial Rights for editorial use, print media, and magazine promotional use. Rights return to playwright upon publication.

Good News! The ATLANTIC PACIFIC PRESS Drama Prize will be judged by George William Hayden, a 1972 Pulitzer Prize Nominee in Verse Letters for his chapbook, “The Cancer of the French Candystoreman & 49 Other Poems.” Mr. Hayden has directed over 125 plays for The Original Gateway Players in Wareham, MA. He was born in New York City, has lived in Rhode Island and is now retired and living in Wareham, MA.

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