Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Writer's Life

Share stories of being a writer and living the writer's life... or stories of being in the MFA program...

I'll start...

One of my favorite parts of writing and being a writer is when I get into the "zone" and the writing seems to just flow out of me. I had one day where I sat down to write and, after what seemed like only a half-hour or so, I became distracted by being extremely thirsty and hungry. When I finally gave into it, put the writing aside, and decided to head for the kitchen I realized that four hours had gone by since I'd started writing.

Another favorite writing phenomenon for me is when my characters and their lives literally speak to me. I can be doing the dishes and realize that a specific character is about to get a phone call and I have to go immediately to the computer and write that scene. The non-writers in my life used to think I was crazy. Now they're just used to it.

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